Submit ABSTRACT for Poster

Poster Session ISOC 2025 Unicam

The participants are invited to contribute a poster (max 0.8 m (width) x 1.30 m (length)) presentation of their scientific research. The posters will be displayed from the first day and discussed at the end of the afternoon session (see program). Anyone interested in presenting a poster should submit a title and abstract (max one A4 pages, see template) to the School Secretariat. The abstracts will be reproduced directly from the Authors’ original.  

During the scientific program two “Flash Presentation Sessions” will be organized. A “flash presentation” offers with a maximum of 3 transparencies and 5 minutes a way to highlight a poster. Its purpose is not to summarize at high speed the content but rather to attract the attention to the poster and stimulate questions and discussions during the poster session immediately following the flash session. The Organizing Committee encourages to combine a poster with a “flash”. Each poster session will be devoted in priority to the discussion of the corresponding “flash presentations”.

( before July 15, 2025.



Files must be less than 300 MB.
Allowed file types: doc docx.